Fallen Angels Among Us by Elizabeth Clare Prophet

What You Need To Know!

Fallen Angels Among Us by Elizabeth Clare ProphetFallen Angels Among Us: What You Need to Know shows how we can effect positive change on planet earth. It takes us behind the world of appearances and shares a perspective that is shocking and yet profoundly hopeful.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet unmasks the fallen angels among us, these ancient deceivers of mankind, ...exposing their profile of evil and tracing it to the Book of Enoch's documentation of the descent of the heavenly angels into human bodies.

The fallen angels in the earth are strongly tied to the dark prophecies of our time — to the evil that we see daily in the news of man's inhumanity to man. Are war, religious hatred and fanaticism, terrorism, global pandemics and economic turmoil the result of an ancient warfare waged by rebel angels against a duped humanity?

The Editors on Fallen Angels Among Us

It has been said that the best prophet for the future is the past. As we explore the potential for planet earth's future, it is essential to identify the events that have brought us to the present. The philosopher George Santayana said, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." While that is true, even those who do remember the past will repeat it if they do not have the awareness and means to transcend it.

It is for this reason that Fallen Angels Among Us: What You Need to Know is being published at this time.

Stop a moment and ask yourself:"Where have I been for the past twelve thousand years? Who am I? Where have I come from? And where am I going?"

That is exactly what you are about to find out.

Customer Reviews of Fallen Angels Among Us

This book offers clear insights into understanding the workings behind current world conditions from a refreshingly balanced spiritual perspective and explains what the individual can do to make a difference. An excellent book!

All the insight was outstanding. Awesome book.

Current, historical and brilliant. Insightful perspective on Truth. Explains social, psychological and spiritual realities very well - courageously.

I liked the in-depth analyses & explanations, research. Love the prayers! I feel as if my eyes and my heart have been opened — attuned to the truth!

The author's precision and discernment are what I liked most—and her ability to condense esoteric and recent teachings.

I liked its true historical information, the new insight on the Book of Enoch and other spiritual facts too...how we got here and why.

Very insightful from a research point of view. Very informative on many fronts—past, present, ...future?

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